Archive | October 2012

The Paralysis of Analysis

Ok guys apologies in advance for the novel length of this one.. but that is what my blog is for to get all of the stuff OUT OF MY HEAD…

So I have signed back up for 12wbt and it is now time to tackle our preseason tasks for round 4

The first pre season task is GET REAL – NO MORE EXCUSES – you need to write down all of the excuses you use and a plan or solution to avoid using them again.

Now Im currently doing round 3 ( we are now up to week 10 ) and to be honest I have not really followed the program too much, Ill have weeks where I go gung ho and follow  the program ( nutrition wise ) to a tee then other weeks where I just dont!! And I have been REALLY slack in my exercise this round, I have hardly followed the program AT ALL, in fact I have hardly exercised AT ALL – besides my SSS workouts at the river on Saturdays and a few fun runs, I have also  been doing some work on my arms and core but I am not exercising everyday, and doing most of my workouts half assed,

So when I started to work on this first task again It got me thinking, why am I so different this round – last round I smashed out EVERY WORKOUT – EVERY DAY!!.   I started thinking that it was because the last round and this round started right after each other without a break ( this was the first time MB has done this ) and that I had’nt had a chance to “relax” between rounds!!

I started feeling overwhelmed that this new round was going to be the same, starting the day after this current round finishes, and my head just couldnt cope. I had also reached a plateau in my weight loss, it havent lost anything for the past 5 weeks and have been yoyoing between 81kg and 80.2 kgs and my mind was just ticking over and over trying to analysis everything and trying to figure out WHY…  I realised that during this round I had lost about 3kgs in 9 weeks and was so disappointed in myself. Even though just a few weeks ago I had done some updated before and now shots, I just couldnt get over the fact that I was doing so badly this time round.  ….I mean I had bought “the dress” for finale in week 4 with the hope of fitting into it by finale, and secretly hoping that having this goal to aim for and finale itself would give me the motivation to be vigilant and stick to the program 100%.
and now the dress still doesnt fit.

I realized that I have NO CHANCE of getting into it before finale,    WHAT WAS I THINKING!!!        IM NOT EXERCISING !!!     I’M EATING CRAP!!!  , IVE STOPPED LOSING WEIGHT!!! AGAIN!!!!   I’VE HAD ENOUGH!!  I’VE JUST HAD ENOUGH!!!   , I’M OVER THIS!!!  Ive been doing this for so long, I should have been at my goal weight by now ( which btw I still have NO IDEA what my goal weight is ) Ive wasted SO MUCH time, everyone else seems to handle this OK why cant I?? I’m always reading about people losing HUGE numbers each week, and I just felt deflated.

So I wrote down my excuses, Im not motivated, Im over it, I’m never going to get there, I just want to be normal, Not enough time Too tired, too hot, etc etc etc, and I left them there, just like that all excuses and NO SOLOUTIONS….. I went off to work and was talking to one of the girls who asked me about my weight loss, she said  “You look fantastic, you are doing so well, I wish I could lose weight, what is your secret? ”   HA  – my secret, I was shocked to realize that people actually though I had a secret, that I had stumbled onto some kind of new age effortless easy way to lose weight!  This had also happened a few weeks earlier when one of my colleagues commented that it was easy for me to lose weight cause I was on a program, at the time I thought it was hilarous and told him, that program or not I was still the one who was doing the work, I was the one who was making the effort, I even commented “What do you think Michele comes to my house in the morning and moves my legs for me, cooks my meals and makes me exercise” .                                                                                                                                                                                                                     So I started raving to the girl that I was chatting with that I had been doing the 12wbt and what a great program it is, I told her that I have learnt so much food and exercise wise with the program but no matter how much I have learnt it is still come down to basic NUTRITION  and HARD WORK,  If you want results you have to do the work to get them… there is no quick fix or secret just eat healthy and exercise I told her how hard it is to work it all out around doing shift work and how being organised is the key!..  I also told her it has taken me about 2years to get to this point, and that everyone here at work seems to think I have lost it quickly but I think its just because we see each other almost everyday, AND  I am now starting to wear clothes that FIT instead of my old baggy work clothes that people are stating to notice. BUT  it has taken me 2 years, and I know that in doing it slowly over time means that it is permanent and not just a quick fad, Ive worked too damn hard to get it off Its never coming back again. AHA…..LIGHTBULB…MOMENT…No1                                                                                                                                                                            

I then told her about all the support network I have from my WS facebook group and the friends I have made through the program, , and that I started it to help others realize that they are not alone and everyone goes through hard times, also to give locals a chance to meet up and make new friends who are doing the program so they have someone to talk to who “gets it”  I also mentioned that the FB group is hard work too as I organise so many events and SSS workouts each week, do shirt orders, and try to help out as many people as possible that it really takes a toll on MY TIME!!! and that I really should get some others to help me out, so I have a bit more time for myself.                                                                                                                                                          AHA….. LIGHTBULB …..MOMENT …..No2

So I got out my notebook and wrote down some solutions to my excuses. I went home and worked through it all on paper, and it is amazing the sense of relief that comes once you have got a plan in place


List your excuses and the actions you will take to prevent them from being used.


I am not motivated – I have hit a plateau and am just feeling blah – I have been on this “journey” for almost 2 years and am just feeling “over it “ I have done so well and feel like I should be finished by now I just want to be normal again.

Motivation comes and goes, that is normal, you don’t need to wake up motivated to have a motivating day…
If you cant muster up the motivation go into robot mode and JFDI remember Mish’s advice and don’t let the analysis paralysis begin – don’t let your self overthink things.
Slow and steady = life long results.
Your body needs to plateau on a regular basis to “catch up”, Just because the numbers on the scales are not moving that does not mean my body is not changing and reaping the benefits from all of my hard work and effort. Be patient, gauge your results by pictures and your I CAN DO chart.. I WILL NOT LET THE SCALES DEFINE ME.

Im never going to get there… I sometimes find myself comparing myself to others, I get a bit irriatated every now and then when I see others who have lost huge amounts in less time, I feel like ive let myself down and could have done so much more in the time ive been doing this..

GET OVER IT… Be proud of how far I have come and all that I have achieved. I know that I have made amazing changes to my lifestyle, I am fitter and healthier than
I have been in over 25years, I am teaching myself and my family that old and lifelong habits can be changed and that being healthy and proactive is a lifelong commitment.
Know that permanent results take time, the longer it the more real and permanent it is.
Celebrate my achievements more often to keep reminding myself how awesome I really am.

Its too hot / too cold / too late etc

Do a DVD inside or use the treadmill / home gym – turn on the air conditioner
Wait until it has cooled down outside

I hate running outside alone and I give up too easily

JFDI and go into robot mode – don’t let yourself start procrastinating just do it. Mix up the locations to keep it varied and interesting .
Remember your goals and what you need to do to achieve them, repeat your mantra’s over and over when you feel like stopping and walking
Remember how bad I want to do a half marathon, imagine the sense of achievement that I will have once I have completed it.
Have a set plan in place and STICK TO IT
Keep a running chart and update it EVERY RUN to keep myself fully accountable
Embrace the fact that I can run.. don’t give up just keep running.
Increase distance everytime even if only by 50mtrs.

Im too tired – I don’t have time – I do shift work and I’m too busy with the FB group and all the stuff I organise

Solution –
JFDI – I know I can do it I have done it easily in previous rounds, stay organised, and plan diarise all workouts, meals and FB time ( this is going to be hard ) around my shifts I AM DETERMINED TO PUT ME FIRST!! – get a few more members to help out with the admin side of the group. Enrol others to help out with the admin side ( done )
STOP doing so much for others.. its time to pull back and let everyone else work out there own stuff, I have done as much as I can to help others get involved its up to them now.

I feel selfish spending so much time just on me, my housework suffers, my family still refuse to eat a lot of the meals, its too hard to keep everyone happy.


DITCH THE GUILT ITS OK TO PUT ME FIRST – I AM WORTH IT, my husband and kids always put themselves first and I have never seen them worry about it the way I do.
They are old enough to fend for themselves if they don’t like what is on offer.
Get organised and have a stock of frozen healthy meals they like for them to choose from when they don’t like what is on offer. ( and for me when I don’t have time to cook ) know that vegemite sandwiches for dinner WONT KILL THEM if that’s what it comes too.
Make up a housekeeping roster and ENFORCE IT!! Don’t give in and do their chores for them… learn to live in the mess… it wont KILL ME ( it hasn’t so far )

Its too hot

Do a DVD inside or use the treadmill / home gym – turn on the air conditioner
Wait until it has cooled down outside



Make extra serves of favourite meals and freeze them for emergencies.


Use home gym / do a dvd or if all else fails go for a quick

10 -15 min run / walk to clear your head , anything is better than nothing

Next task is SET YOUR GOALS…  Im working on this one now… so watch this space




50 shades of PINK ..

Before I joined the 12wbt an exciting weekend for me consisted of nothing more than simply not having to work… 

I have always enjoyed going out drinking and dancing but hubby is a homebody and prefers to stay home so an exciting weekend would have been having a few friends over, over indulging in all sorts of nibbles and alcohol and a bbq …

In the last 2 rounds of 12wbt I have developed a love and passion for fitness and fun runs… so an exciting weekend for me now is to go to a fun run with my awesome Western Sydney gals….

I have  commitment list of all of the events I would be attending and up until now I have done each and every one of them as promised..

This weekend, I had planned to do my first triathlon…. PInk Triathlon… a charity fundraiser event for breast cancer.

I registered  to do the short course… 200mtrs swimming, 3kms bike ride 1km run… months ago and was really looking forward to challenging myself.. I had put this as one of my commitments for this round of 12WBT

THEN..   a few weeks ago one of the girls from work organized a girls night out on the same weekend…   she booked a pink limo to pick us all up and drive us into the city.. .. HOW FUN !! 🙂 Ive never been in a limo before.. HOW EXCITING.. 🙂

As most of you will know I am anally organized, I pre plan EVERYTHING meals, training sessions, shopping etc.. So having 2 commitments on the same weekend was going to take some careful planning, no real dramas just need to make sure I have a plan and stick to it…  😛

At work discussing what to wear on the night out….   one of the gals keeps on at me about wearing a dress… Cmon… wear a dress.. show off that hard work…  Me – I dunno don’t really want to go out drinking and dancing in a dress, I just want to be comfortable.. I’m wearing jeans …  all the others are wearing jeans out, and casual clothes in the limo… going in style in comfort… sound good to me.. I go out and buy some size 12 skinny jeans and a nice 3/4 sleeve top.. looking good..

Plan A – Limo is coming to pick me at from home at 5pm.. easy peasy no problems plenty of time to do triathlon ( starting at 9am ) get home rest / sleep, get ready – casual comfy clothes for the lime ride  & change at the hotel into going out clothes..

hiccup no 1 – Limo needs to come earlier as the company has double booked… limo now arriving at 3pm instead

Plan B – pretty much the same as plan A but less time for rest / sleep BUT will get into city earlier.. can rest up a bit in there before heading out.. totally doable

Hiccup no 2 – 25th Oct – Email from event organizers – due to higher than expected entry numbers for triathlon, the short course event will now be moved back to 11am start time!!…  geez..

Plan C – Hmmm that is going to be cutting things really close.. need to be at the event at least 1hr before start time to pick up rego and have briefing and course instructions..  triathlon itself should only take about 1 hour at the most to complete, then another hour or so afterward to collect medal and bike pics etc  plus 30 mins each way travel  …so if I leave home at 9.30 get to homebush at 10.00 do triathlon at 11.00 finish at 12.00 leave at 1.00 home by 1.30 shower dress in casuals clothes  pick up at 3.00 .. bit close but still doable ( I think ) I’ll just rest in the limo 

Starting to have anxiety now.. I really want to do the triathlon.. but I really want to do the night out too… NOT FAIR!!

BUT hang on a sec.. they have a fun run event before the triathlon… maybe I can do that instead… that way still getting to compete in an event… still get a medal…  OK I’ll email the event coordinators and see if they will swap my registration…. 

Finally get a response on Monday… yep no probs we can swap the rego for you PHEWWW… big sigh of relief. still get to do both… anxiety gone…

Plan D – Fun run starts at 7am.. so get up at 4.30, leave home at 5.30 get to homebush at 6.00, pick up rego, meet up with others,  start run at 7.00  finish run by 8.00 leave homebush at 8.30 home by 9.00 … easy.. limo arriving at 3.00  plenty of time…

Friday – Shopping for some new clothes, find another new top that will look good with the jeans Ohh i now have options… also see  this dress.. its on sale for $25.. bargain and gorgeous, its a simple one shoulder shift dress really pretty ..  talking to the sales chic and telling her about my night out and she asks why I need a top… you should be wearing a dress… cmon you are going in a limo you cant wear jeans in a limo…. How often do you get to go in a limo…. I tell her I am really not comfortable wearing a dress while out drinking.. BUT WHAT ABOUT FOR THE LIMO RIDE… cmon.. its a LIMO.. 

She was right… I was going in a Limo for the first time.. and a HOT PINK limo at that… stuff it.. I am going to get that dress…. Now the dress is shorter than anything I have worn for more than 20years… has one bare shoulder… and did I mention SHORT…   I got the top and the dress and headed home more excited than I have been in years…..

Hubby comes home from work and I excitedly tell him about the dress, dont think he really listened he just nodded and went ” sounds good ” … Oh well…   Off to bed nice and early ready for my BIG DAY

Hiccup no 3 – MIDNIGHT!! Friday – Frantic voice message from the girl at work….. Umm limo company has changed the pick TIME and LOCATION… new time is now at 1pm at TOONGABBIE? and we need to be there by 1230 just in case it arrives early  WTF….

OMG what am I going to do… I lie in bed all night having anxiety. … a million plans running through my head…… how am I going to pull this off… I am going to be so stuffed….. why after so many weeks / months of planning was this coming up LAST MINUTE… arggghhh… why am I so fricken anal… why do I feel I have to do everything…. why cant other people be as organised as me….I have already had to change my plans and ditch the triathlon to fit in with this….  how could the bloody limo company let this happen…. how could the girl at work let this happen…. OMFG!!!

So I get up at 4am after NO SLEEP and make the decision to NOT do the fun run…  It was really hard to make… I was looking forward to it and I was quite angry that after all MY careful planning circumstances out of my control had stuffed it up….

In my head I was a failure and I was using all of the above circumstances as an excuse… time wise I would be able to scrape it in.. so there should be no excuse for me not to do it right!!  But deep down I knew I was making the right decision… It would not be doing myself any favors by pushing myself so hard… but I still felt guilty I wanted to be able to do both…

So i posted a huge rant on the FB group…. whinging about how deflated I felt… and how pissed I was about the whole thing…

As always ❤ my gals ❤ responded immediately confirming that Ii made the right decision…

It seems a bit silly but just reading their comments helped me get rid of the guilt I was feeling and put me in the right frame of mind to relax and get getting to enjoy my night out..

I spent the morning leisurely lazing around until it was time to get into that dress… OMG it is so short…

I put it on and walked out… hehehe hubbys eyes nearly popped out of his head… YOU LOOK FANTASTIC!!  when did you buy that… geez.. told you he wasn’t listening…

Again anxiety setting in I cant leave the house in a dress THIS SHORT. can I …..  just cause hubby says it looks good… get him to take a pic and quick post on FB and again  <3my gals<3 to the rescue… compliments come flooding in…

Arrive at the pick up point and all the other gals are in casuals.. and here’s me… in my short sexy dress and heals.. hehehehe..  I LOVED IT…

Pink limo arrives… OMG IT WAS AMAZING …..

would love to tell you the rest… but you know what happens on a girls night out stays on a girls night out..







Praise to the McDonalds gods…..

Would you like fries with that?

No thanks but Ill have a chocolate sundae…… 😛

So tonight I had arranged to meet up for coffee with an old friend who I have not seen for at least 5 years…

I had spent the morning with my awesome fitness buddies meeting up at 8am for a river walk, then over to the coffee club for coffee and a lifestyle breakfast…. mmmm

Then home to attend to my motherly / housewifely duties… cleaning…

Forgot to take out something to cook for dinner  oops… bad mother award… again …

Luckily I have a few frozen serves of Broccoli soup ready for myself for such occasions. BUT 😦 nothing for the rest of the family… and NO they wont eat Broccoli soup!!

So I ask the question..What do you all want for dinner…. I get the usual…   I dunno!!!… Whatever!!!!

Then hubby says… just get maccas.. We havent had that for ages..

A bit of background ..I gave up McDonalds 18mnths ago and have NOT had it since – except the very occasional chocolate sundae. Family have had it a few times but usually when im not home and hubby is responsible for dinner… typical…

I dont miss it AT ALL in fact the thought of eating it makes me feel SICK. to the stomach…  except those chocolate sundaes….

I head out the door to Starbucks, have a wonderful catch up with my GF,  who is amazed at how great I look and how well I have done, I start raving about the my Western Sydney Crew & 12wbt and how wonderful the program is and how most of the challenge is in your head.. once your head is in the right place everything just seems to fall into place a little easier …. I show her my finale dress pics and tell her all my plans for Finale…

Then its time to say goodbye and to go through that drive through!!

Its 8pm and I’m really hungry but this time my head is on auto pilot and automatically starts counting the calories i had eaten today… lifestyle breakfast approx  350 cals  .2  large coffee 200 cals… 4 x crackers with ricotta and tomatoe 175… pink lady apple 75…  = 800 cals… hmm wonder what I could get from there that was 400 cals or under….

WTF!!! – I dont even like their food, Ill just stick with the sundae … wonder how many cals that is…

WTF – finale is approaching… need to fit into that dress… NO SUNDAE

Get to the boxy thing that you order from a large choc sundae is 2230 kj so around 530 cals…  OHH this could work..  SO if i have NO dinner and get a large sundae ill be just over  on calories for today…  cause you know 100 cals either way is fine right!

I place my order feeling a bit guilty and thinking of how I have just preached about my progess and the program to my friend ..

THEN the  operator says Oh Im sorry our Ice Cream Machine is BROKEN.. no sundaes….

THANK YOU McDonalds Gods…..

Went home and had my Broccoli soup with croutons… 287 cals AND  a weight watchers Pecan Sundae – 120 cals…  1207 total

YAY ME … with a little help from above








Addicted to 12wbt…

Ok so as you know I’m doing the Michelle Bridges 12WBT….

Its currently round 3 week 6… half way…. and I have been tossing up whether or not to do the 4th round this year……

It has been driving me NUTS!!

I have even been dreaming about it……  weird dreams….. In one of them I was walking along a beach in a bikini  with a pluto pup ( which i dont even like ) in one hand and a cornetto ice cream ( which I DO like )  in the other 😛 and my whole Western Sydney Crew and Michelle Bridges were jogging towards me.. then straight past me….. and I couldnt keep up…… I just sat down on the sand and ate my pluto pup and cornetto…  😦

Weird shit…  now I know that I am strong and focused and could probably continue with my weight loss without the program and I know my awesome WS crew will be there for either way … but the constant nagging and debating in my head has been driving me insane….AND

I LOVE the program … l LOVE the support and I LOVE not having to think… I LOVE having it all laid out for me.. all I have to do is log in and follow the instructions….

And Im truly OCD…. I need to be organized… or I feel all out of whack…

SO ive bitten the bullet and taken the plunge again… Ive recommitted and I’ve signed up for round 4….

Now I can breathe again… and relax… the next 18 weeks of my life is PLANNED!!

I have become addicted to the 12wbt family and way of life 🙂

LIFE IS GOOD …. and organized… just the way I like it.